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Kraków Hospitals

Writer's picture: Satya MandavalliSatya Mandavalli

Updated: Feb 14

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If you have private health coverage, it’s free, or if you go to a clinic with NFZ coverage OR jutro, it’s free.

Another option is online consult - 69zl on this site.

NFZ Hospitals and Jutro Hospitals are different. Both are free consultations.

Jutro is only for adults. Not for Children.

If you have luxmed cover through the office, you don’t have to pay

If you’re not covered through your employer, then yes, it’s a paid service at any private clinic like luxmed, enelmed, Medicover etc and appointments can cost anywhere between 150-200

This was cheaper (69zl) and same-day consultation but by phone

If you are getting a speaking doctor’s same-day appointment in Jutro.

Jutro has free basic blood tests (CBC, lipids profile, vitamin d, liver, kidney, TSH etc)..

Except for a few, like B12..

Some of these tests can be ordered free on Medicover without a referral, and getting a blood draw appointment is easy.

About NFZ clinic

1. Treatment is free of cost; visits and prescriptions will be available in your patient portal

2. you need to fill out the registration form choosing your preferred doctor; for subsequent visits, you need to book an appointment in advance.

If you have Luxmed / Medicover insurance, then you can force luxmed to book an urgent appointment for the child, either a home visit or face-to-face and they will help you. if they don't, then you can go to govt hospital

Dziecięcy im. św. Ludwika w Krakowie- This hospital is specially for emergency for child

In emergency cases, you should visit SOR (it's emergency cases admission). Every govt hospital has this department, and entry is faster.

For Krakow, Go to university hospital prokocim.

Jutro Medical - Krakow:

Dental Care


Address: ul. Oboźna 4/1 📍

Phone number: ☎532 776 892.

Government Dental hospital, consultation free with Zus Medical Insurance.

The University Dental Clinic--

Montelupich 4, 31-155 Kraków

12 424 55 55

This is the medical university, and if anyone has any dental issues, they may visit here. As most of us have NFZ, it's free. They start at 7 a.m.

It's very nice with many English doctors and some Indian dentists, too. It may be a little time-consuming, but based on the experience of many friends, it's very nice.

Please confirm how to make a government dentist appointment, or let me know the procedure.

You must go to the government dental college on the 2nd floor for Krakow by 8 o'clock. They will check your PESEL and issue you an appointment number. Then, your number will be called, and they will do their basic check.

If an X-ray is needed, you will receive a prescription, pay 100 PLlN, and go to the ground floor for an X-ray. Accordingly, you will be provided with the next appointment.

Private Clinics for Dental

Each private medical insurance company/hospital has different packages. Based on this, you will get different services at different prices.


X-ray free, filling free, root canal free (we have to pay only for the cap), surgeon consultation 50% covered, surgery 50% covered


X-ray 129zl, filling, and root canal (doctor-dependent) are 50% or 10% covered or free(we need to pay for the equipment like cap/gel). Surgeon consultation is 10% covered, and surgery is 10% covered.

Dental check-up 180zt

Teeth cleaning 1400zt

Cavity filling and root canals come in the conservative dentistry category. So, it's covered by default in Luxmed. But in Medicover, it's covered only if the doctor recommends them as critical/emergency category.

Some IT companies offer multiple private medical insurances, like Luxmed and Medicover, to their employees. If you have such an opportunity to choose, first ask your HR to explain the differences between them, i.e., Treatment differences, especially dental treatment differences.

children hospital pediatrician


Strzelecka 2A

University Children’s Hospital of Cracow

Checkups and tests can be done privately, but if urgent and severe issues arise, go to SOR hospital.

SOR Pediatrics - Prokocim

12 658 20 11

Rondo Czyżyńskie os. Kolorowe 25a, 31-941 Kraków

Dr Lukasz W for cold, cough - English speaking private one, gives good medicines.

HSM Clinic has a paediatrician on weekends as well.


Query: As per the vaccine chart, we have given our baby two shots every month in India. Now, a third shot needs to be given. We need to find a place to do the same thing now that we're in Poland.Answer: You can take the India vaccine chat to any pediatricians, whether they work for the government or not, and they will help you. Usually, an IT employee has a Luxmed, or Medicover Insurance plan, and it has a vaccination-free facility. You need to check with your hospital about it.Question: Do we need to translate it into Polish? Answer: Private clinics will accept it if it's in English, and some Public hospitals will too, but it depends on the doctor. If you choose a 6-in-1 vaccine in India, they will tell you to keep getting the same kind here. You can also get the normal, free vaccines that the government pays for.

Influenza Vaccine or Flu Shot or Feaver Vaccine:

Usually, in the Winter season, some people get sick with fevers after the first snow. We should take vaccinations to avoid or decrease the intensity of the sickness. In Poland, Snow will start in November. So, in October, we have to take the Flue Shot.

Influenza vaccine OR The flu shot.

Vaccination is available in Private (Medicover, Luxmed) and Govt NFZ Hospitals.

NFZ Hospital for vaccination:

Małopolska Wojewódzka Stacja Sanitarno - Epidemiologiczna, Prądnicka 76, 31-202 Kraków

100 PLN for Influenza vaccine.

Some employers give free vaccinations to their employees.

In Medicover and Luxmed, this vaccination will be free based on the insurance package.

Jutro Hospital is also the best for vaccination.  

Influenza vaccination (Flue Vaccine) is free for some MediCover....for the entire family.

The bottom line is "we have to enquire with our Private Medical insurance hospital-Medicover or Luxmed".

Lux med & NFZ integrated centre:

Medical Center Family Medicine

+48 22 332 28 85


+48 22 332 28 88

Some vaccinations are free here. If you are paying ZUS Social Security, then it's free for you. Not all vaccines are free. You need to visit and ask for it.

Other Hospitals:

For any Medical Emergency

NFZ hospital, nearby Nowy Kleparz.

Military hospital, emergency department.

Wrocławska 1-3, 30-006 Kraków


SP ZOZ Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie

Gynaecology checkup - Ujastek Hospital


Centrum Medicover - Kraków Bora Komorowskiego -- Quattro Business Park

Bora Komorowskiego 25B31-476 Kraków

500 900 500

Mon - Fri 7:00 - 20:00

Sat 8:00 - 14:00

Centrum Medicover - Kraków Podgórska -- Beside Galeria Kazimierz - State Street Office - Nearby Hala Targowa

Podgórska 3631-536 Kraków

500 900 500

Mon - Fri 7:00 - 20:00

Sat 8:00 - 14:00

Centrum Medicover - Kraków Ruczaj -- Tram 18 and 52 Last stop

Bobrzyńskiego 3730-348 Kraków

500 900 500

Mon - Fri 7:30 - 20:00

Sat 8:00- 14:00

Centrum Medicover Czerwone Maki-- Tram 18 and 52 Last stop

Sternbacha 130-394 Kraków

500 900 500

Mon - Fri 7:00 - 20:00

Centrum Medicover Jasnogórska -- IKEA besides

Jasnogórska 131-358 Kraków

500 900 500

Mon - Fri 7.00 – 20.00

Centrum Medicover Świętokrzyska -- -- Noway Klepaz -

Świętokrzyska 1430-015 Kraków

500 900 500

Mon - Fri 7:00 – 20:00

Sun Co drugi tydzień czynne w godzinach 8:00 - 15:00

Fabryczna 1

Medicover Centre

Mon.-Fri. 7:00-20:00 Sat. 7:00-14:

On August 10, 2023 Medicover opened a new medical center Fabryczna City at 1 Fabryczna Street in Kraków .

Medical Shop:

APTEKA Sloneczna


(+48) 800 190 590


The following pharmacies are on open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

  • Dbam O Zdrowie, ul. Kalwaryjska 94, tel. 800 110 110

  • Dr Max, ul. Karmelicka 23, tel. 12 631 19 80

  • ul. Kronikarza Galla 26, tel. 12 636 73 65

  • Dbam O Zdrowie, os. Centrum A bl. 4, tel. 800 110 110

  • Galaktyka, ul. Wolska 1, tel. 12 657 13 16

  • Dbam O Zdrowie, ul. Zielińska 3, tel. 800 110 110

  • Gemini, os. Kazimierzowskie 30, tel. 571 601 679

ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY WARDSThese wards provide medical services to patients in case of sudden health problems.

AMBULATORY CENTRESThe centres provide medical services when on duty, that is on weekdays from 6:00pm to 8:00am, and throughout the day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


ul. Pokoju 4, tel. 12 411 83 96

ul. Rusznikarska 17, tel. 12 357 50 10

ul. Galla 24, tel. 12 294 73 83

ul. Komorowskiego 12, tel. 12 357 14 75

ul. Na Skarpie 66, tel. 12 357 52 48

NZOZ Kraków-Południe

ul. Szwedzka 27, tel. 12 266 02 70

ul. Białoruska 15, tel. 12 655 51 89

ul. Kutrzeby 4, tel. 12 656 10 07

Ludwik Rydygier Specialist Hospital

ul. Złotej Jesieni 1, tel. 12 646 87 92

Night and Holiday Health Care - Krakow

During holidays and days off, medical assistance is provided by night and holiday health care points. Night and holiday health care is a service within the scope of primary health care

provided from Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day and on days off

24 hours a day.

Specjalistyczny Szpital im. J. Dietla w Krakowie al. Marsz. Ferdynanda Focha 33, telefon: 12 68 76 400

Wojewödzki Specjalistyczny Szpital Dzieciecy im. 'w. Ludwika w Krakowie ul. Strzelecka 2a, telefon: 12 619 86 87, 12 619 86 61

Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Stefana Zeromskiego SP ZOZ w Krakowie os. Na Skarpie 66, telefon: 12 622 95 76

Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Krakowie Sp. zo.o. os. notej Jesieni 1, telefon: 12 64 68 792

Szpital 'w. Rafala w Krakowie ul. Armii Krajowej 5, telefon: 12 629 88 00, ul. Bochenka 12, telefon: 12 629 88 00

NZOZ Krak6w — Poludnie ul. Kutrzeby 4, telefon: 12 656 10 07, ul. Szwedzka 27, telefon: 12 266 02 70

Szpital Miejski Specjalistyczny im. Gabriela Narutowicza w Krakowie ul. Pradnicka 35, telefon: 12 257 82 24,

Krakowski Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Jana Pawla Il w Krakowie ul. Pradnicka 80 Pawilon M-V, wejScie C, telefon: 12 614 28 88

Medical Services in Poland





International Center of Hearing and Speech MEDINCUS

Neo Hospital

Polish Health Centers -Rehabilitation for adults and children -Spine and orthopaedic surgery -Weight loss


St. Hospital Rafał, Street Adama Bochenka 12, 30-693 Kraków

St. Adalbert's hospital

European Health Centre Otwock (ECZO) Oncology, cardiology, urology, surgery and diagnostics

bariatric surgery, plastic surgery, orthopaedics




  • EVA Park Life & SPA

  • MedicalSensus - health resorts

  • spa

  • St. George Health Resort

  • St. George Hotel Kudowa

Cancer Ayurvedic Treatment (India) information:

Private Medical:

Hospital for parents who don’t have NFZ

Does anyone know about an English-speaking Pulmonologist in Krakow or any good Pulmonology NFZ Hospital? i.e. Lungs related doctor or NFZ hospital?

HSM Clinic Czyżyny is a modern medical center, where specialists approach Patients in a comprehensive and individual way. At your disposal are medical and physiotherapy offices equipped with modern devices for diagnostic imaging.


prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Sładek

Luxmed - ALLIANZ TRAVEL foreign travel insurance

The Insurer is AWP P&C S.A. Oddział w Polsce (Allianz Travel). The policy name is: LUX MED Group Key Clients The insurance coverage has no age limit. The maximum period of insurance coverage during a one-off stay abroad is 180 days. The insurance covers all countries of the world, excluding Poland and the Insured Party’s country of residence. Reimbursement of treatment costs in the event of an unexpected war or act of terrorism. Reimbursement of treatment costs associated with unexpected treatment of COVID-19 (Note! The insurance does not cover the costs of quarantine).

You must have a strong reason for attending medical outside Poland, like in India. Then they will reimburse.


Do we have to approve sick leave for normal flu or fever by a doctor in the system here? Also, does sick leave come with pay cuts of about 20%?

Is it for a longer time of sick leave or for a single odd day, too? An example where somebody is having backache issues, etc.?


If you take your leaves from your own quota, there is no pay cut; if you take sick leaves with 80% pay, your leave count doesn't get impacted.

The employer finances sick leave only for up to 33 days. After that, ZUS provides a sickness allowance for up to 182 days. The government mandates 80% of sick pay to be paid by employers or ZUS. It's up to the employer to pay 100%. Not all employers provide the option of financing 100% of a certain number of sick leaves in a year. Very rarely are companies providing 100% pay for certain sick days. Most companies here don’t have the option of 100% sick leave. Generally, it is 80%; they go by the mandated govt limit.

Krakow speciality NFZ Hospital Locations and Name:

1. Pulmonology

2. Eye – Ophthalmology

Adult Eye Hospital: Osiedle Na Wzgórzach 17B, oculistic hospital

Children Eye Hospital: Żeromskiego, street Na Skarpie

Privat visit - medweckiego 7 - optima clinic

3. Cardiology

4. Orthoptic

Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Stefana Żeromskiego SP ZOZ w Krakowie

5. Neurology

6. Gastrologic

7. Dental -

Address: ul. Oboźna 4/1 📍

The University Dental Clinic

Montelupich 4, 31-155 Kraków

12 424 55 55

8. Children


Strzelecka 2A

9. Gynaecology checkup - Ujastek Hospital

Question:Do I have to opt for Luxmed or Medicover insurance for my Dependents? or government NFZ outpatient services are sufficient enough?


Luxmed, Medicover, ENLmed, or PolMed are Clinics, not Hospitals. Clinics treat the first level only. If there is an emergency or surgery, Hospitals will treat it.

Here in Poland, NFZ Government Hospitals will provide all next-level treatment.

Whoever works in IT companies usually has NFZ insurance. With a PESEL number, we can use NFZ treatment. Even the private basic package will be enabled by default for the employee. For dependents, we have to pay extra. But it’s not much in many cases.

Private Clinics will have SLA with our IT companies. Within 48 hours, in their online application, if we are not receiving appointments, we can send an email or call their Hotline number, we can get the appointment, or we can go to the other clinic and reimburse the amount. Usually these private clinic doctors will speak English.

Recommendation: Better to opt for both.


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