Kraków Food
Updated: Jan 6
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Address: Myśliwska 55/lok.5, 30-718 Kraków
Birthday Cake minimal order 1,5 kg, 175 zł + cost of decoration
2 kg 230/240 zł + decoration
Depends on taste
Mila Bar mleczny -Miła milk bars: Polish Food with Best Price.

Miła milk bars:
st. Łąkowa 29, phone: 12 417 24 23 st. Bosaków 11, phone: 12 413 12 37 ul. Kniaźnina 4 tel: 12 648 75 89 axis. 2nd Air Regiment 1G phone: 12 649 85 15 st. Pure 1
Zapiekanki Królewskie
Nearby Tram Stations:
Plac wolnica --10
Stradom --10
Miodowa --3

Pierogi MR Vincent
Address: Bożego Ciała 12, 33-332 Kraków

Good Lood Ice Cream Krakow
Install this app on your mobile device to identify nearby Good Look Ice cream shops and get reward points. With these points, you will get free ice cream and so on.

Hala Targowa, Kraków - Blue VAN - Hot Dog

6. Best Veg Pasta
Warsztat Restaurant & Café
Bożego Ciała 1, 31-054 Kraków, Poland

Pizzeria Vicenti
Szewska 27, 31-009 Kraków, Poland
Near Bagatela Theatre.
Good Pizza at the best price.
Cake Shop:
Opp Stefana Batorego Tram Stop:

Teatr Bagatela Pizza Shop
Traditional Pizza, Student card discounts, and Nice Taste.

Great info as always
It's very helpful thanks a lot