Krakow Medicines
Updated: Jan 18
Online Medicines: -- Homeopati -- Medicine Online - This website gives a comparison. --- We can purchase medicines online, and for free delivery, we can choose the nearest store.
Apteka Słoneczna
You can search in Google Maps with the below line:
Apteka Słoneczna near me

Medical Shop:
APTEKA Sloneczna
Łąkowa 17, 31-443 Kraków, Poland
Aleja Pokoju 4, 30-001 Kraków
November 2024 - APTEKA Sloneczna - Aleja Pokoju 4, 30-001 Kraków
Vitamin D3 2000mg 60 caps-10 PLN
Vitamin C 1000mg - 14 PLN
Chela Ferr Bio Complax - 23 PLN

On the prescription if you can see Odpłatność with R, 50% 100%. R is subsidized medicine, There are some list of medicines like Hormonal pills, chronic diseases pills, you can check gov pacjent portal, only those are given in discount price.
What types of payments are there for medicines?
First, I will explain what types of payment for a drug are. This is often the first information that patients look for after receiving a prescription from a doctor. You can find different markings on it - the letters B, R or percentages - 30%, 50%. What do they mean?
B – free medicine (up to the financing limit),
R – medicine covered by a lump sum (PLN 3.20 up to the financing limit),
30% – payment of 30% up to the financing limit,
50% – payment of 50% up to the financing limit,
List of reimbursed medicines 2025
As it turns out, nearly 90 percent of Poles may be affected by vitamin D deficiency. The human body is able to produce vitamin D on its own, but only in specific and favorable conditions. Poland's location means that the sun's rays fall at a low angle, which means that even in the summer months there may be a problem with synthesizing the right amount of vitamin D. What are the first symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
Nearly 90 percent of Poles suffer from vitamin D deficiency
In Poland, the sun's rays fall at a low angle, which makes it difficult to synthesize vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, apathy, decreased immunity - these are usually the first warning signs that the body needs more of this ingredient
Severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to serious disturbances in bone mineralization and osteomalacia.
Spectacles / Eyeglasses:
There are two types of Eyeglasses.
1. Prescription Glasses: Designed to correct vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. These glasses are tailored to the individual's specific prescription needs.
2. Digital Protection Glasses: Designed to reduce eye strain from screens, these glasses often feature blue light filtering technology.
Types of Eyeglass Lenses
Eyeglass lenses come in various types, each serving different visual needs:
· Single Vision Lenses: Provide one prescription for either distance or near vision.
· Progressive Lenses: Offer a gradual change in lens strength for a more natural transition between different viewing distances without visible lines.
Usually, every IT company's medical insurance covers 500 PLN for spectacles.
Spectacles contain a frame and Lens.
The frame starts from 100 PLN.
Lens: Single Vision lens will come under 400 PLN
Progressive Lens to about 1100 PLN.
In India, the same Progressive Lens with Frame in LensKart 15K INR with 1+1 offer.
I can recommend Single Vision lens Spectacles, which we can take here with 500 PLN insurance.
Progressive Lens Spectacles are better to check the price in India and then purchase.
Fielmann – Your optician in Krakow, Galeria Krakowska
I heard that Fielmann is offering a better price on Spectacles.,202,komunikat,dyzury_aptek_w_2025_roku_.html
In the upcoming year 2025, eight pharmacies will operate in the Municipality of Kraków on a 24-hour basis. They are located in easily accessible points in Kraków and provide 24-hour on-call services in the full range of pharmaceutical services at night, on holidays and non-working days.
Centrum A housing estate, block 4, District XVIII Nowa Huta, tel. 800 110 110 or 736 697 964
ul. Kalwaryjska 94, District XIII Podgórze, tel. 800 110 110 or 736 697 961
ul. Karmelicka 23, District I Old Town, tel. 12 631 19 80
Kazimierzowskie Housing Estate 30, District XVI Bieńczyce, tel. 571 601 679
ul. Kronikarza Galla 26, District V Krowodrza, tel. 800 110 110 or 12 636 73 65
ul. Krowoderski Zuchów 14, District IV Prądnik Biały, tel. 507 712 418
Wolska 1, District XII Bieżanów-Prokocim, tel. 12 657 13 16
ul. Zielińska 3, District IV Prądnik Bały, tel. 800 110 110 or 736 697 970.